There are a number of Groups and Activities running in the Church Halls for children.
Some are run by the Congregation, some are run by outside organisations who hire the Hall.
If you would like to hire the Hall, then please contact the Church office.

The Boys’ Brigade
There are three sections of Boys’ Brigade catering for boys between P2 and S6. All sections meet on a Thursday evening with the boys following a badgework programme which consists of a mixture of games, challenges, cooking and craft.
We would be delighted to welcome new members into all sections and anyone interested in joining or helping should contact David Cooper, Company Captain, on (01224 316667)

Danscentre provides dance classes in Ballet, Modern and Tap for children age 3+. Taught by RAD and ISTD qualified teachers we offer classes at Springfield Church on a Tuesday afternoon or Saturday morning. To enquire please email: or call on 01224 647341.

Girl Guides
Girl Guiding is a girl led organisation consisting of Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Senior Section. Covering many different activities including games, badges, trips, overnight stays, camps and lots more. For more information please contact the Church Office.

Sinclair School of Highland Dancing
Sinclair Highland Dancing meet in the Couper Hall on Wednesday between 4 and 6.30p.m. For more information please see, or contact