Hopefully your question will be answered below (click on the question to expand the answer), if not, then please contact the Church Office, see the contact details at the bottom of the page.
What type of Church is Springfield Church?
Springfield Church is part of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland. For more information please see www.churchofscotland.org.uk
What happened Craigiebuckler Church and Ruthrieston West Church?
Springfield Church is a new Congregation, formed by the merger of the Congregations from Craigiebuckler Parish Church and Ruthrieston West Church. We use the buildings previously occupied by Craigiebuckler Parish Church.
When are services?
Services are held every Sunday at 11am. Any change to this plan will be communicated on the website and on our FaceBook page.
Are the halls available for Hire?
We have halls at our current church site on Springfield Road, and at our Ruthrieston West site on Broomhill Road.
To Hire our Halls at Springfield Road, please see here.
To Hire our Halls at Broomhill Road, please see here.
How do I contact the Safeguarding Coordinator?
If you have any questions regarding Safeguarding, then please email safeguarding@aberdeenspringfield.church